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Frizinghall Primary School

School Apps - Information for Parents

Frizinghall Primary uses an  efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs.

If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.

The app will also be used for general communication between home and school.

Get the free Studybugs app or register on the Studybugs website: (https://studybugs.com/about/parents)



We also use the ParentPay app to pay for various school activities and events, such as trips, clubs and school dinners.

Further information regarding ParentPay can be found here:

Parents - Get Started with ParentPay


Parents' Evening

Please see the attached guidance to help you book your parents' evening appointment. If you are struggling with making an appointment, please speak to the office.

Guidance on booking your appointment


School Meals App 



School meals are provided by Bradford Council’s in-house school catering provider, Facilities Management Catering Services.

All  main meals are accompanied with either potatoes, rice or naan bread, seasonal vegetables or fresh bread

  • All meat is from farms which satisfy UK welfare standards
  • All fresh vegetables and potatoes are locally sources, wherever possible
  • All desserts are suitable for vegetarians and Muslims
  • All our fish, vegetarian and cheese dishes are suitable for Muslims
  • We do not use preservatives or additives that are unsuitable for children
  • We have a no nut and no genetically modified ingredient policy
  • Fresh fruit is available daily as one of the dessert options
  • Freshly baked bread is available each day
  • All our meals meet the Soil Association’s Food for Life Bronze Award criteria (as a minimum).

The Food for Life Bronze Award criteria demonstrates that the school food we provide which shows that school food is healthy and uses seasonal ingredients that are at least 75% freshly prepared. It gives assurance that our food meets high standards of provenance and traceability, is ethical, sustainable and fresh, free from nasty additives or trans-fats, and meets school food standards.

Please use the link for a guide to using the app and link to the app.



Tapestry in Nursery and Reception 








 Please use the link to access the login page.


Curriculum Apps and Websites

Please see the information for Purple Mash, TT Rocks (KS2) and IDL (KS2) which can all be accessed from home.