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Frizinghall Primary School

Parents Information

Welcome to the Parents section of our school website. 

Our Vision for Parents/Carers

  • Parents/carers are welcomed into school, kept well informed and are fully involved as partners in their child’s education.
  • They make a valuable contribution to their child’s education (supporting their child with homework), encouraging and extending an interest in learning at home.
  • They feel their views are listened to and acted upon, where appropriate, and therefore have influence over what happens in school.
  • They are kept up to date with their child’s progress and know how they can help at home.
  • They have opportunities to continue/extend their own learning.
  • They trust and respect the staff at Frizinghall Primary School and are comfortable in approaching them.
  • They are supportive of the school, staff and policies, and have a positive attitude towards the school which they communicate to their children.