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Frizinghall Primary School

Frizinghall Primary School Curriculum


The Frizinghall Curriculum is a broad, balanced and rich curriculum based on the knowledge to be acquired and underpinned by the SCARF principals, the development of spoken language and the love of reading. It is enhanced by experiences, including visits, activity passports, the use of the edible playground and active learning opportunities.

Each year group follows a curriculum map, which provides the context of the learning, links with English, spoken language and the experiences to be covered through each theme.

The substantive and disciplinary knowledge to be acquired each year are set out in long-term plans, ensuring coverage of and progression in National Curriculum subjects, RE and PHSE.

Each theme has a medium-term plan, which is used by teachers to plan and sequence lessons to ensure progression and deepening of knowledge over time and to meet the need of individuals, classes and cohorts.